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SSH Login to your device

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

A ssh login to your device opens up full access to your devices file-system on runtime. This can be pretty helpful to touch configuration files, copy files over to your device or copy file from your device such as safegame states or screenshots without removing the SDcard. All this is possible with a network-connection from your PC to your device (e.g. via WiFi).

Info: The 351M/V model already has builtin WiFi. 35XX, 351P and RG351MP have no WiFi and require a USB WiFi dongle to make use of a wireless connection.

So 351P/351MP owners will need a WiFi dongle/adapter. In most cases a female USB A to a male USB C adaptor is required to connect the dongle/adapter to the device. This will plug into the the left OTG port. The Wifi dongle needs to be a male USB A 802.11n nano.


There are a lot of (free) tools out there to simplify the access to your devices file-system. The most common (and the one i use as my favorite) is WinSCP. My alternative suggestion for Linux or MacOS users would be FileZilla:



  1. Click the Start button

  2. Network Settings

  3. Enable WiFi (and wait until it's activated)

  4. Click on WiFi SSID

  5. Hover over your network from the list and click A

  6. Click on Wifi Key and use the keyboard to enter your WiFi password

  7. Click OK and wait for connection

  8. Click back out of Network Settings and you should see the "WiFi Enabled" prompt

  9. Go back to the main menu and select EmuELEC Settings to ensure "Enable SSH" is enabled


In ArkOs the WiFi settings are not located in the settings menu. You find it by scrolling through the console-list on the main screen.

  1. Scroll down/up through the consoles page until you find "OPTIONS"

  2. Enter the sectionWIFI

  3. Use the shoulder buttons on your 351 to move around and press + to add/connect to your WIFI

  4. Click on X to exit.


  1. Click the Start button

  2. Network Settings

  3. Enable WiFi

  4. Select your network in the WiFi SSID section

  5. Use the keyboard to enter your WiFi password

SSH login to your device

To actually login into our device we start WinSCP (Windows) or similar FileZilla.

At first we need to make a new connection (example shown using WinSCP):

As you start WinSCP you get requested to create a new connection:

  1. Select SCP as File protocol

  2. Enter the 'hostname' here, it's your devices IP-address (you can find it in your devices menu in the network settings)

  3. Enter login (see below)

  4. Enter password (see below)

  5. Safe the connection session

The login-credentials differ, based on your devices fw (stock or custom):


Your consoles IP address eg. u/n: root p/w: emuelec


Your consoles IP address eg. u/n: root p/w: 351elec


Ensure to enable remote access from the OPTIONS before you try to login via SSH. 351Elec and ArkOS also support the more secure SFTP as Fiel protocol on port 22.

Your consoles IP address eg. u/n: ark p/w: ark


The username for ssh access is "root". The root password is generated during every boot, it can be found in the System Settings menu.

u/n: root

p/w: <auto generated. See System Settings menu

Tip: I recommend you to safe the session. It adds the connection to the left-hand side list, so you can access your device next time with just a double click on the connection.

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