In this guide i will show you how to create a backup of your handheld's system.
This guide only works for handhelds that use a SD-card for storage of their main system.
Creating a backup of your handheld-system is good habbit for many reasons.
Most handhelds come with cheap micro-sd cards that can easily wear out over time. In result, you loose all the data on it: The games, your safe-states and all modifications you made to the system. So you may end up with a handheld in a unuseable state.
To avoid this scenario, i highly recommend to create a backup of your handheld-system as soon as you receive it. With a backup in your hands, you can feel much more relaxed when you like to try-out some tweaks on the handhelds system or configuration. If you ever mess up any settings you can always fall back to your original state.
It's easy to archive. In only a few steps you can transfer the heart of your device to a durable and reliable sd-card.
Tip: I recommend using sd-cards of known brands, such as SAMSUNG, SanDisk or Intenso. Still, this is not a 100% guarantee that a card never fails, but it lowers the risk.
Required tools
At this part i should recommend you using Win32DiskImager, but i had many troubles in the past with this tool.
Currently i'm using a different, free and more reliable tool called USB Image Tool. This tool detected all my SD-cards perfectly and is able to create image files of the entire card (not just partition wise). And that's exactly what we need ;)
You can download it for free here:
Create the backup
1. Start USB Image Tool and select your SD-card on the left-side column

2. Click on the Backup button on the right-bottom corner of the tool and enter a speaking name for your image file (e.g. RG351P_original_backup). The tool will automatically add the .img extension for you.

3. With a click on Safe (Speichern) the process will start

4. After the image file was written, the tool jumps back to the main screen and we're done.
