First of all thank you for all your hard work, you turned my R36s into a fantastic device. I have two questions:
How often will you be updating the OS images? for example, the r36s has gotten an update yesterday.
Would it be possible for you to add support for using two SD cards at the same time? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh3Vakx6RDs
Thanks again
I managed to download it all finally but ubfortunately my 128 sd card is too small for sd2
any chance for double sd images on any faster servers? My download is 160KB
HiHo, erstmal ein riesen DANKESCHÖN! für eure unglaublich tolle Arbeit :) Ein "Rundum Sorglos Paket" mit geilen Skins und geiler Mucke, fantastisch! :)
Was salhab meint und auch mir fehlt: In dem Video ab Minute 0:48 kann man sehen, wie er eine Option wählt: "Read from SD1 and SD2 for Roms" - Sprich, Roms ZEITGLEICH von beiden SDCards lesen.
Dazu kommt noch die Funktionalität der FN Taste, beides findet ihr in diesem Image ( Zweiter Link ):
Link zum original Developer mit Hinweis zum Community Image: https://github.com/christianhaitian/arkos/wiki#download-links Bei den Download-Links (R35S)
As a better more up to date solution solution, you can use the custom image maintained by AeolusX. More information about it is available here: https://github.com/AeolusUX/ArkOS-R3XS
Liebe Grüße und vielen, vielen Dank für eure Mühe!
Ahhh…now I know what you mean. Via script or button combination start e.g. RetroArcade from TF1 or StockOS or JelOS from TF2 = Dual-Boot
Like for the RG35XX with Stock OS and Garlic OS.
Very good question, never tried it and I have no idea if it will work. I will take some time at the weekend to find it out.
Because the video which you mentioned in point 2) shows just:
OS on TF1
Games on TF2
and exactly this is in the guide which i posted.
What I do for the moment is to upload a preconfigured 2-SD-card setup for R36S because a lot of people asking for it. This means:
image 1 is for the OS (16GB SD card or higher needed) which goes into TF1 slot
image 2 is for the games (128GB SD card or higher needed) which goes into TF2 slot.
retro-arcade-v-04-backup directory listing (archive.org)
Everything ready to go
Hello salhab,
the images are updated time by time whenever a bundle of changes is ready to make it worth updating. Most likely, the images itself will not be updated too often since the major changes are expected for the ports and other games.
Support for a second sd-card is already present. We have a guide included to explain the necessary steps. So you can either use a single sd-card or with a second sd-card.